Thursday, November 21, 2019

Course Project Part 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Course Project Part 2 - Coursework Example These two ground are enough to take up this project. Depreciation is a non cash expense and it is also tax deductible. The depreciation is first reduced from the operating income to get earnings before interest and taxes. The amount of depreciation deducted is then added back in the cash flow statements to get the operating cash flows. We know that the net present value is determined by the cash flows expected from the project therefore; this non cash expense eventually increases the cash flows of the project. Ultimately, the net present value of the cash flows will increase which is beneficial for the company. In addition to the above, a company which opts for straight line depreciation method will have equal positive cash flows every year. For example: Depreciation of $100,000 per year, with an income tax of 35%, saves $35,000 of taxes each year and that amount is accounted as a positive cash flow. This amount is also known as the depreciation tax shield. Sunk Cost is a sum of money which has already been spent and it is not recoverable. It is essential to understand because many people feel intuitively that if an investment is made then it is essential to get a return on it. This will lead to rejection of one course of action which favors the other one to actually generate smaller cash flows. One needs to understand that sunk costs are irrelevant to financial decisions. Opportunity cost is a profit that is forgone by not investing in a particular opportunity. This is particularly true when there are mutually exclusive projects and you have to choose the best out of two good projects. The profit forgone from not choosing the other project is your opportunity cost (Shim & Siegel, 2008). Erosion is the slow but sure redirection of funds from profitable sections or projects within a business to new project and areas. It is considered to be an investment in the long, money flowing in new

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