Saturday, November 23, 2019
All About the French Regular Verb Passer (to Pass)
All About the French Regular Verb 'Passer' ('to Pass') Passer (to pass) is a very common and useful regular -er verb, by far the largest group of verbs in the French language. It may be used as a transitive verb that takes a direct object or an intransitive verb, and in doing so, its compound tenses are conjugated with either avoir or à ªtre. Intransitive Passer à ªtre With no direct object, passer means to pass and requires à ªtre in the compound tenses: Le train va passer dans cinq minutes.  The train is going to pass / go past in five minutes.Nous sommes passà ©s devant la porte midi.  We passed by the door at noon When followed by an infinitive, passer means to go / come to do something: Je vais passer te voir demain.  Ill come (by to) see you tomorrow.Pouvez-vous passer acheter du pain ?  Can you go buy some bread? Transitive Passer Avoir When passer is transitive and has a direct object, it means to pass, to cross, to go through, and it requires avoir as the auxiliary verb in the compound tenses. On doit passer la rivià ¨re avant le coucher du soleil. We need to cross the river before sunset.Il a dà ©j passà © la porte.  He has already gone through the door. Passer is also used transitively with a period of time to mean to spend: Nous allons passer deux semaines en France.  Were going to spend two weeks in FranceJai passà © trois mois sur ce livre.   I spent 3 months on that book Transitive versus Intransitive While the meanings are nearly the same, the difference is in the object (the noun following the verb). If there is no object, or if a preposition separates the verb and object, the verb is intransitive, as in Je suis passà © devant la porte. If theres no preposition, as in Jai passà © la porte, its transitive. Se Passer The pronominal se passer most often means to take place, to happen, or, in reference to time, to go by. Quest-ce qui se passe ?  Whats going on?Tout sest bien passà ©.  Everything went smoothly.Deux jours se sont passà ©s.  Two days went by. Expressions With Passer With idiomatic expressions using the French verb passer, you can butter someone up, handcuff someone, kick the bucket, and more. passer  clothing  to slip on/intopasser  infinitive  to go do somethingpasser la douane  to go through customspasser la radio/tà ©là ©  to be on the radio/TVpasser lheure dà ©tà ©Ã‚  to turn the clocks foward, begin daylight saving timepasser lheure dhiver  to turn the clocks back, end daylight saving timepasser pas lents  to pass slowlypasser de bons moments  to have a good timepasser de bouche en bouche  to be rumored aboutpasser des faux billets  to pass forged moneypasser devant Monsieur le maire  to get marriedpasser du coq là ¢ne  to change the subject, make a non sequiturpasser en courant  to run pastpasser en revue  to list; to go over in ones mind, go through (figurative) passer (en)  ordinal number  to put in ___ gearpasser là ¢ge de  to be too old forpasser larme gauche (familiar)  to kick the bucketpasser la journà ©e/soirà ©e  to spend the day/eveningpasser la main d ans le dos quelquun  to butter someone uppasser la tà ªte la porte  to poke ones head around the door passer le cap  to get past the worst, turn the corner, get over the hurdlepasser le cap des 40 ans  to turn 40passer le poteau  to cross the finish linepasser les bornes  to go too farpasser les menottes quelquun  to handcuff someonepasser par  to go through (an experience or intermediary)passer par de dures à ©preuves  to go through some rough timespasser par toutes les couleurs de larc-en-ciel  to blush to the roots of ones hair, to turn pale (from fear)passer par luniversità ©  to go through collegepasser pour  to take for, be taken forpasser quelque chose quelquun  to pass/hand something to someonepasser quelque chose aux/par profits et pertes  to write something off (as a loss)passer quelque chose en fraude  to smuggle somethingpasser quelque chose sous silence  to pass something over in silencepasser quelquun tabac  to beat someone uppasser quelquun par les armes  to shoot someone by firing squadpasser sa colà ¨re sur quelqu un  to take out ones anger on someone passer sa mauvaise humeur sur quelquun  to take out ones bad mood on someonepasser sa vie faire  to spend ones life doing Conjugations You can see all the tenses of passer, both simple and compound, conjugated elsewhere. For now, below is the present tense to illustrate that passer hews exactly to regular -er conjugation endings. Present tense: je passetu passesil passenous passonsvous passezils passent
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