Monday, May 25, 2020

Cultural Diversity in The Tempest Essay - 1654 Words

Cultural Diversity in The Tempest If we look at Shakespeares atypically short play The Tempest, the character of Caliban represents a noble savage who is enslaved, exploited, and endowed with low-self esteem due to the ethnocentric views of those who encounter him. In much the same way as the British originally exploited the Hindus or Americans exploited Native Americans, Caliban is considered the property of those who encounter him, solely because he is not of the same heritage, customs, and manners of his oppressors. The ostracism and exploitation of Caliban because he is perceived as a brutish animal compared to civilized folks is in keeping with the theme and intent of the play-to show that reality is†¦show more content†¦We can see in this statement Calibans desire to rebuild a population on the island that is of his genetics and culture. Caliban, echoing the noble savage, talks of the lovely self-sufficiency of the island and his life before Prospero enslaved him. He talks of the fruits and all the qualities of the island that he introduced to Prospero, regrettably. However, sounding like the British imperialist or the ethnocentric American who annihilated native cultures that stood in the way of their land grabs, Prospero contends he tried to educate and provide culture for the native but the vileness of his race prevented Caliban from learning, I have used thee,/Filth as thou art, with human care; and lodged thee/In mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate/The honour of my child/...I pitied thee,/Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hour/One thing or other: when thou didst not,/Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like/A thing most brutish, I endowd thy purposes/With words that made them known: But thy vile race/Though thou didst learn, had that int which/Could not abide to be with: therefore wast thou/Deservedly confined into this rock (Shakespeare 5). What this really shows is that Prospero believes his race and culture to be superior to the primitive but blissful existence Caliban had known on the island. We clearly see the undertones of ethnocentrism, racism and imperialism in these remarks. The colonization of manyShow MoreRelatedDoes Immigration Contribute to a Better America Essays770 Words   |  4 PagesDoes Immigration Contribute to a Better America? â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door! American Jewish poet, Emma Lazarus, wrote the sonnet entitled â€Å"The New Colossus† which, today is engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the Statue of Liberty. 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