Thursday, August 27, 2020
Free Pride and Prejudice Essays: Life and Love :: Pride Prejudice Essays
Life and Love in Pride and Prejudice How might life be unique on the off chance that you lived in the mid 1800s in an unassuming community of England? How did the romance customs exist around then? These inquiries are the principle subjects of the book, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, who composed the book about the time that these things occurred. At the point when you open to the primary page and start perusing, the Bennet family is in a split second presented, alongside Mr. Bingley. The Bennet family , which is made out of guardians who for the most part have inverse suppositions, and four girls, each with their own uncommon capacities, assume the principle job, particularly the second little girl Elizabeth. The entire story is described through her perspective, so the assessments of others that in the end become your own are taken from whom Elizabeth is near and whom she detests. That carries us to different characters, specifically the Bingley family and Mr. Darcy. The Bingley family speaks to an extremely well off family, whose child would be a prize for any young lady, and who is profoundly inspired by Jane, the oldest, wonderful Bennet little girl. The family however doesn't accept the Bennet's to be of a sufficiently high norm, and move their sibling to London to occupy him with Mr. Darcy's sister, who as far as anyone knows was as unlikable as Mr. Darcy himself. Disdained by numerous due to his pretentiousness and pride, Mr. Darcy destroyed his odds with Elizabeth for himself. In his own longing, he would have effortlessly hitched her, she even preferred not to hit the dance floor with the man. This kind of adoration triangle, with one individual preferring somebody of note, however settling with another person, occurs all through the book, just with various individuals. More often than not all the characters were either in the a family unit or at a proper gathering where these loves, romances, and abhorrences started. This type of settings in the book I discovered rather exhausting, and it made it exceptionally hard for me to keep perusing, however I presently realize it is Jane Austen style to not have a lot of activity yet to grow a greater amount of the character's characters. This book is an incredible proposal in the event that you love to truly comprehend a character and her sentiments towards others. The slick thought is the thing that Austen did with the title of the book. With this book, Pride and <a href=http://www.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Management Technical Environment
Question: Examine about the Management Technical Environment. Answer: Blockchain in Business Innovation has fundamentally advanced in different areas, and significant segments that profit by mechanical development are the money related and retail segments. Blockchain is a blend of different innovations in a single framework composed to keep up a perpetual developing rundown of requested records. Blockchain are intended to be intricate with the end goal that they could be utilized by anybody to compose any advanced cash and simultaneously not under any incorporated force/control and they don't acknowledge adjustment once recorded. As per Nakamoto (2008), as cited by Marvin Rob in his article on The Invisible Tech That Is Changing the World, Blockchain is supposed to be a database that joins various information structures like sections, columns or content to execute an order and uses the advanced monetary standards. He settles by predicting Blockchain being utilized in different perspectives like in computerized monetary standards, personality affirmation e.t.c. Iansiti and Lakhani (2007), Number of exchanges is recorded between two unique gatherings in a right way that is exceptionally effective. Its depiction is an open distributable record that can trigger exchanges naturally when customized. They further represent that, organizations can fundamentally profit in the event that they decide to utilize Blockchain as a component of maintaining their organizations due to; The foundation and confirmation of personalities and narratives are upgraded by Blockchain. It's conceivable to define authoritative limits, resources, particularly information related, and security. Constraints of Block Chain Technology in Businesses The creators, Iansiti and Lakhani (2007), exhort that square chain has additionally a portion of its restrictions and any organizations putting resources into them ought to have safety measures spread out to abstain from running loses. A portion of the constraints they notice incorporate; innovative hindrances, administration, security dangers by programmers, cultural obstructions and even inward hierarchical boundaries. As per Sforzin et al., the Blockchain are not yet developed enough to be utilized in businesses and notices a portion of the confinements as being; protection isn't improved due to Blockchain contingent upon the previously existing exchanges and request of executions. They likewise notice the decentralization of square chain administration isn't in a vote based set up thus not relevant to numerous organizations. Components to Consider Before utilizing Blockchain As indicated by Iansiti and Lakhani (2007), different components ought to be laid set up to guarantee that the selection and utilization of square chains in organizations are not to be lamented. These elements incorporate the accompanying; The utilization of transmission control/Internet convention (TCP/IP) ought to be set up to utilize the web regarding other programming. The (TCP/IP) empowers the foundation of informing, strong information, voice and video associations which are secure and scaled up. Different advantages are it has permitted extension of organizations that are web driven and stage based for example Amazon online store. The continuous procedure of selection of the Blockchain utilizing a few rules/structure is the following component to consider. These structures are installed in four phases; Single utilization of the Blockchain, as in messages. It's conceivable to utilize both online cash and TCP/IP at this point. Is the restriction stage, is the place high oddity developments with a predetermined number of clients are occupied with esteem creation. Replacement system, it points in the substitution of the major deals forms. Change system, its effective if the initial three are fruitful. It upgrades the entire framework in social, financial and political frameworks and the suggestions are entrancing. References Iansiti, M. furthermore, Lakhani, K. (2007). The Truth About Block Chain. Harvard Business Review. Marvin, R. Square Chain:The Invisible Tech That Is Changing theWorld. Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System Sforzin, A., Karame, G., Fedorov, S. furthermore, Li, W. Towards Scalable and Private Industrial Block chains
Friday, August 21, 2020
How Moderation Services Keep Online Threats at Bay
How Moderation Services Keep Online Threats at Bay Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!How Moderation Services Keep Online Threats at BayUpdated On 10/12/2017Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : Social MediaShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThere are as many dangers on the use of the internet as it has a full span of advantages and selling points. As internet surfing has become more rapid through the development of various mobile devices, it has also opened ways for virtual crimes to evolve at the same rate as moderation strategies and systems. By allowing user-generated content on your website and social media profiles alone, this poses huge risks for your brand’s reputation and the overall safety of your end-users.The goal of online scammers is to steal identities of users, private and sensitive information, and ultimately overrun computers and programs with deadly viruses. Many have already fallen victim to various types o f online scams, and this can also be detrimental to your business’ online presence. The most common online threats and scams encountered by end-users include phishing, fake profiles, trolling, hacking, fraud, malware, and ransomware. Once your brand becomes associated with any of the said online threats, it could dramatically decrease your credibility.Taking a closer look at these threats: How do customers encounter such scams or fall prey to online dangers?Online scamming and threats are more prevalent to end-users who are not that savvy with technology. As such, these risks should not be ignored. To help you determine whether you have encountered a scam or not, here’s a brief discussion on some of today’s most common online threats:Online trolling â€" Trolling online usually takes place when a registered member of an online community (e.g., forum, chat room, social media channel) emotionally and psychologically provokes fellow users through expressing sarcastic, hurtful rema rks and offensive messages. Trolling is more rampant in social media, forums, and even in online blogs. The aim of online trolls is to vent and project their pent-up anger, frustrations, sadness, and lack of attention.Fake profiles â€" Fake profiles can also be in the form of duplicate profiles. On Facebook alone, there has been a classification of the various types of fake accounts made through the widely used social media platform. For instance, Like bots exist mainly to like posts and pages and are often limited to a closed group of bots. They aim to promote certain brands or celebrities. There are also spambots that post spammy ads on Facebook groups with a clear intention of heavily promoting and hard selling certain products to other users. Spambots can be easily spotted because they have zero to very few friends, and their friend list is comprised mostly of fellow bots. But out of all the types of fake profiles out there, those used by stalkers and impersonators pose the high est danger. Using fake profiles is a way for stalkers to spy on people and even send threats to their targets without their identity being traced; while impersonators will intentionally use another individual’s name to trick other people and cause confusion for their own selfish gains.Phishing â€" Phishing makes use of emails to trick targets into visiting fraud sites. These fraud sites are carefully disguised and crafted to seem like valid e-commerce or online banking sites. As such, once the victims are convinced that they are visiting a legitimate website, they will use their real account to gain access to the page. However, all information they input is in truth being transported directly to the scammers. Scammers will now be able to use these acquired personal details to wipe out their victims’ accounts, commit identity theft, and even drain credit cards.Greeting card scams â€" Taking the form of messages or greetings seemingly sent by a family member or a friend, this part icular scam will lead unsuspecting users to a webpage that automatically downloads malicious software and viruses and infects the victim’s devices with it.Malware â€" Taken from the combination of the words ‘malicious’ and ‘software,’ the malware creates a ‘backdoor’ in your computer or device to gain access to your system without your knowledge and permission to ultimately steal all private information you have stored. It can also be software that does not fulfill what it initially promised you to do upon acquiring or downloading it. Some of the most common types of malware include malvertising or the use of real, legitimate online ads to distribute malicious software; rootkit that gains administrative rights over your website, and Trojan horse, a seemingly authentic and highly operating anti-virus program that introduces harmful viruses into your system. Often, malware infection occurs after downloading software that’s packed with malicious applications. Some malwa re-ridden programs include system and internet optimizers, download assistants, and counterfeit antivirus software. When not immediately addressed, malware can take advantage of certain weaknesses in your system’s securityâ€"particularly outdated browsers, plug-ins, and add-ons.Ransomware â€" This is a type of malware that prevents users from accessing their system either by locking files or screens while demanding payment to provide a decrypt key. The money demanded varies depending on the variant of ransomware, exchange rates and prices of digital currencies. Ransomware operators use cryptocurrencies to specify ransom payments in bitcoins. Sadly, there are cases where paying the demanded ransom money does not fully guarantee the decryption key or unlocking tool needed for the victim to regain access to their hosted files.Hacking â€" Hacking of social media accounts, WiFi, and even bank accounts are usually executed on individuals with passwords and pin codes that have low streng th, as well as those who’ve set default passwords to various accounts on all their devices. Last year, Dropbox was on hiatus after its database of passwords and usernames got stolen across other services.Each day, more and more users fall victim to online scams, and it is the job of content moderation services providers to maintain a safe environment for end-users and brands.Content moderation services cover distinct forms of content shared by your end-users to help broaden the reach of protection you can deliverModeration protects the quality of your website content, checks the readability of user-generated posts, and eliminates duplicate materials, ads, and low-quality images.From comment and forum moderation to regulating social media channels and chat rooms, to video, image, and website content moderation, you can eliminate harmful posts and prevent online threats from infesting your brand and your customers more adeptly.Use moderation for comment and forums to enhance the eng agement of your audience. It would be best to develop and implement a moderation policy to protect your community and your members from targeted online abuse. With a solid moderation policy, you can easily encourage community members to concentrate on initiating sensible, quality discussions instead of gravitating towards flooding each other with slanderous remarks.READFeatures And Leaked Images Of Digg V4 (Beta)For chat moderation, your methods should put emphasis on boosting the accuracy and dependability of how you review posts made by and exchanged between your users. You must also see to it that no chat regulations, specifically those involving the exchange of images or accessing games (if permitted through your messaging app) are violated. A lot of business owners who employ content moderation services for their website designate certain pages on their site where user-generated content and posts are allowed. This way, you can closely monitor and prevent obscene, inappropriate subjects from being posted on your website or associated with your brand. On the other hand, video and image moderation can be made more efficient through maintaining a keen eye on the details of multimedia content being shared on your social media channels and forums. That said, photos shared and posted by your community members must comprise high-resolution details, descriptive headlines and short but concise descriptions for each image. Clearly, define your guidelines, stick with your branding, and make sure your moderation team keeps a strict rule on eliminating offensive and sexually provocative depictions on the images and videos shared on your page or site. If you are outsourcing image moderation, make sure that their services are customizable to fit your branding and the core of your services.Last but not the least is social media moderation, which covers filtering of online content to check relevant mentions on your business, scanning social media channels across the web, a s well as keeping an eye out for what the online community has to say about your products and services. Moderation for business social media channels is mostly exclusive to “owned†channels or pages of different brands. As such, business owners have full control over determining which posts made by their audience is inappropriate from those that are still acceptable. They also have a strong say on which action should be implemented on certain posting or sharing violations.In a recent blog by Nick Hopkins, it was revealed that Facebook, one of the social media giants of today’s generation, uses a combination of teams of moderators and automated systems to regulate graphic content from being disseminated on the said platform.Facebook’s moderation guidelines have certain exemptions based on situational or contextual differences. This means that there is a need for their moderators to really assess whether a comment or post is a real threat and should be acted upon or is simply something that holds no real plot for exacting harm or violence. Likewise, exemptions are given to posts that show users openly demonstrating attempt for self-harm for the reason that they do not want to censor or punish individuals suffering from deep agony. Photos of child abuse are given “no action†but with an implementation of added protection to shield the general audience, because such images can be used as “evidence†that may lead to the identification and rescue of the child in the picture shared. Facebook-CEO Mark Zuckerberg has already announced that they are continuously fortifying their current moderation tools, increasing their manpower, simplified how people can report problems to the Facebook team, and have sped up reviewing time for posts that violate their guidelines.Apart from dependable content, image, and comment moderation services, what steps can end-users do on their part to prevent from falling prey to online scams?End-users and customers also have their part in the prevention of online scams from spreading and adding more victims to its list.One of the most basic contributions that the online community can do is to ignore trolls and bear in mind that addressing hurtful comments are not worth anyone’s time or emotional investment. Online trolls are usually the ones who are suffering, and it should not be anybody’s discretion to allow them to be at the receiving end of their frustration and anger.Instances of fake accounts, especially those trying to impersonate you or someone you know should be reported immediately. Victims of impersonation should seek help from police and the social media site’s authorized personnel. Giving in to the threats caused by online stalkers will only worsen the situation.Avoid opening emails and messaging attachments from unknown individuals or suspicious groups. Regularly update passwords and increase its strength to avoid being hacked. Birth dates, names, and anniversaries are some examples of bad passwords that can be easily decrypted by hackers.Schedule regular updates for software especially when updates are available. Malware can be eliminated by simply uninstalling the virus-infested program from your computer. On the other hand, there are certain forms of malware that require more sophisticated steps for them to be deleted for good. Such variations of malicious software usually need rogue registry keys or keys that contain registry values critical for the operation of Windows and the apps and services it runs. In this regard, specialized programs and antimalware is a must-have.Take the necessary precautions and double-check whether you have authentic antivirus and antimalware programs installed on your system. If needed, have your programs configured to consistently check for signs of any malicious activities.Business owners with social media pages can employ a process called advanced targeting to keep likebots from clicking on your ads. Try interacting with susp ected spambot profiles to check whether the profile is real or not. Spambots will most likely interact very rarely, even through private message.Always triple-check where you download certain files or software. Chances are you have opened your system for virus infestation by downloading a simple song or image from a suspicious or unsafe website. Sites with https certificate are usually secure and safe to browse.Every day, moderators are bombarded with reports of suspected content, online threats, and scams, as well as fake profiles and provocative posts.Content moderation services â€" be it in the form of image moderation, comment, and forum moderation, or social media moderationâ€"is a vital tool for boosting your brand’s credibility and creating a safe online community for your customers. When executed properly, it will effectively support your brand’s core goals while building your competency and trustworthiness.Despite being mainly a tool for observation, moderation opens co mmunication line between you and your audience; letting you have a clearer picture of what they say about your brand and what they demand from your services. Lastly, the most effective moderation solutions gain more efficiency and become a smarter tool through experience.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Cultural Diversity in The Tempest Essay - 1654 Words
Cultural Diversity in The Tempest If we look at Shakespeares atypically short play The Tempest, the character of Caliban represents a noble savage who is enslaved, exploited, and endowed with low-self esteem due to the ethnocentric views of those who encounter him. In much the same way as the British originally exploited the Hindus or Americans exploited Native Americans, Caliban is considered the property of those who encounter him, solely because he is not of the same heritage, customs, and manners of his oppressors. The ostracism and exploitation of Caliban because he is perceived as a brutish animal compared to civilized folks is in keeping with the theme and intent of the play-to show that reality is†¦show more content†¦We can see in this statement Calibans desire to rebuild a population on the island that is of his genetics and culture. Caliban, echoing the noble savage, talks of the lovely self-sufficiency of the island and his life before Prospero enslaved him. He talks of the fruits and all the qualities of the island that he introduced to Prospero, regrettably. However, sounding like the British imperialist or the ethnocentric American who annihilated native cultures that stood in the way of their land grabs, Prospero contends he tried to educate and provide culture for the native but the vileness of his race prevented Caliban from learning, I have used thee,/Filth as thou art, with human care; and lodged thee/In mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate/The honour of my child/...I pitied thee,/Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hour/One thing or other: when thou didst not,/Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like/A thing most brutish, I endowd thy purposes/With words that made them known: But thy vile race/Though thou didst learn, had that int which/Could not abide to be with: therefore wast thou/Deservedly confined into this rock (Shakespeare 5). What this really shows is that Prospero believes his race and culture to be superior to the primitive but blissful existence Caliban had known on the island. We clearly see the undertones of ethnocentrism, racism and imperialism in these remarks. The colonization of manyShow MoreRelatedDoes Immigration Contribute to a Better America Essays770 Words  | 4 PagesDoes Immigration Contribute to a Better America? â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door! American Jewish poet, Emma Lazarus, wrote the sonnet entitled â€Å"The New Colossus†which, today is engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the Statue of Liberty. The message portrayed by Lazarus’s poem is to the millions of immigrantsRead MoreIllegal Immigration1356 Words  | 6 Pageshomeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!†Our country embraces diversity, yet one of the most controversial and debated topics in the United States is immigration. The founders of the United States were immigrants themselves, heroes that believed in equality and acceptance for all people. Immigration has and will always be a vital part of our nation’s diversity, economic stability, and rich culture. Although, in a post 9-11 world, should security trump diversity? ShouldRead MoreIntertextuality In The Waste Land And The Hollow Man1435 Words  | 6 Pagesmethod, deriving symbolism from the grail legend and draws heavily on t he works of Miss Jessie L. Weston and Sir James Frazer. 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INTRODUCTION Xanthomonas axonopodis is the bacterium which causes theRead More Argument for Increasing American Immigration Essay example2881 Words  | 12 Pages Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. This inscription, which is found on the Statue of Liberty, greeted years of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island to America. It describes the idealized view of the United States as a nation of immigrants, where anyone can achieve the American dream. However, does
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Ahmed Sékou Touré Biography
Ahmed Sà ©kou Tourà © (born January 9, 1922, died March 26, 1984) was one of the foremost figures in the struggle for West African independence, the first President of Guinea, and a leading Pan-African. He was initially considered a moderate Islamic African leader but became one of Africas most oppressive Big Men. Early Life Ahmed Sà ©kou Tourà ©s was born in Faranah, central Guinà ©e Franà §aise (French Guinea, now the Republic of Guinea), near the source of the River Niger. His parents were poor, uneducated peasant farmers, though he claimed to be a direct descendant of Samory Tourà © (aka Samori Ture), the regions 19th-century anti-colonialist military leader, who had been based in Faranah for a while. Tourà ©s family were Muslim, and he was initially educated at the Koranic School in Faranah, before transferring to a school in Kissidougou. In 1936 he moved on to a French technical college, the Ecole Georges Poiret, in Conakry, but was expelled after less than a year for initiating a food strike. Over the next few years, Sà ©kou Tourà © passed through a series of menial jobs, while attempting to complete his education through correspondence courses. His lack of formal education was an issue throughout his life, and his lack of qualifications left him suspicious of anyone who had attended tertiary education. Entering Politics In 1940 Ahmed Sà ©kou Tourà © obtained a post as a clerk for the Compagnie du Niger Franà §ais while also working to complete an examination course which would allow him to join the Post and Telecommunications Department (Postes, Tà ©là ©graphes et Tà ©là ©phones) of colonys French administration. In 1941 he joined the post office and started to take an interest in labor movements, encouraging his fellow workers to hold a successful two-month long strike (the first in French West Africa). In 1945 Sà ©kou Tourà © formed French Guineas first trade union, the Post and Telecommunications Workers Union, becoming its general-secretary the following year. He affiliated the postal workers union to the French labor federation, the Confà ©dà ©ration Gà ©nà ©rale du Travail (CGT, General Confederation of Labor) which was in turn affiliated to the French Communist party. He also set up French Gunieas first trade union center: the Federation of Workers Unions of Guinea. In 1946 Sà ©kou Tourà © attended a CGT congress in Paris, before moving to the Treasury Department, where he became the general-secretary of the Treasury Workers Union. In October that year, he attended a West African congress in Bamako, Mali, where he became one of the founding members of the Rassemblement Dà ©mocratique Africain (RDA, African Democratic Rally) along with Fà ©lix Houphouà «t-Boigny of Cà ´te dIvoire. The RDA was a Pan-Africanist party which looked towards independence for French colonies in West Africa. He founded the Parti Dà ©mocratique de Guinà ©e (PDG, Democratic Party of Guinea), the local affiliate of the RDA in Guinea. Trade Unions in West Africa Ahmed Sà ©kou Tourà © was dismissed from the treasury department for his political activities, and in 1947 was briefly sent to prison by the French colonial administration. He decided to devote his time to developing workers movements in Guinea and to campaign for independence. In 1948 he became the secretary-general of the CGT for French West Africa, and in 1952 Sà ©kou Tourà © became secretary-general of the PDG. In 1953 Sà ©kou Tourà © called a general strike which lasted for two months. The government capitulated. He campaigned during the strike for unity between ethnic groups, opposing the tribalism which the French authorities were promulgating, and was explicitly anti-colonial in his approach. Sà ©kou Tourà © was elected to the territorial assembly in 1953 but failed to win the election for the seat in the Assemblà ©e Constituante, the French National Assembly, after conspicuous vote-tampering by the French administration in Guinea. Two years later he became mayor of Conakry, Guineas capital. With such a high political profile, Sà ©kou Tourà © was finally elected as the Guinean delegate to the French National Assembly in 1956. Furthering his political credentials, Sà ©kou Tourà © led a break by Guineas trade unions from the CGT, and formed the Confà ©dà ©ration Gà ©nà ©rale du Travail Africaine (CGTA, General Confederation of African Labor). A renewed relationship between the leadership of the CGTA and CGT the following year led to the creation of the Union Gà ©nà ©rale des Travailleurs dAfrique Noire (UGTAN, General Union of Black African Laborers), a pan-African movement which became an important player in the struggle for West African independence. Independence and One-Party State The Democratic Party of Guinea won the plebiscite elections in 1958 and rejected membership in the proposed French Community. Ahmed Sà ©kou Tourà © became the first president of the independent republic of Guinea on October 2, 1958. However, the state was a one-party socialist dictatorship with restrictions on human rights and suppression of political opposition. Sà ©kou Tourà © promoted mostly his own Malinke ethnic group rather than maintaining his cross-ethnic nationalism ethic. He drove more than a million people into exile to escape his prison camps. An estimated 50,000 people were killed in concentration camps, including the notorious Camp Boiro Guard Barracks. Death and Legacy He died March 26, 1984, in Cleveland, Ohio, where he had been sent for cardiac treatment after becoming ill in Saudi Arabia. A coup detat by the armed forces on April 5, 1984, installed a military junta that denounced Sà ©kou Tourà © as a bloody and ruthless dictator. They released about 1,000 political prisoners and installed Lansana Contà ©Ã‚ as president. The country was not to have a truly free and fair election until 2010, and politics remain troubled.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Instructional Programs For Technology Education - 938 Words
To develop meaningful instructional programs for technology education, goals need to be in place to direct the outcomes of curriculum development and teaching. They go beyond everyday teaching objectives; they are directed at long-term learning and programmatic outcomes. Performance standards measure how much of the content the student is proficient. Opportunity-to-learn standards ensure the learning is student focused, everyone has a right to education and that education should be learner centered. For an educational technology standard to be most effective it needs to recognize these three standards. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has accomplished this with its National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). The standards provided by NETS provide a comprehensive set of goals to encourage a technology integrated education. Introducing educational technology into the developing world is multidimensional and requires many basic issues to be recognized and addressed. It is becoming recognized that telecentres and the use of ICT in developing countries to assist in meeting the Millennium Development Goals is becoming increasingly viable. Focus Area #1: Technology Operations and Concepts Throughout this program, you have developed your technical skills by using various tools, applications, hardware, and software such as the Internet, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. You have also used a Web editor along with other Web-basedShow MoreRelatedTeacher Training Of Assistive Instructional Technology939 Words  | 4 PagesTeacher training in assistive instructional technology (AIT) has been a topic of discussion that has heightened with the drive for differentiated instruction. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
In Flanders Fields Essay Example For Students
In Flanders Fields Essay In Flanders FieldsIn Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row,That mark our place; and in the skyThe larks, still bravely singing, flyScarce heard amid the guns below.We are the Dead. Short days agoWe lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,Loved, and were loved, and now we lieIn Flanders fields.Take up our quarrel with the foe:To you from failing hands we throwThe torch; be yours to hold it high.If ye break faith with us who dieWe shall not sleep, though poppies growIn Flanders fields.#9;John McCraes ;quot;In Flanders Fields;quot; as a Canadian Cultural Artifact;nbsp;The poem, ;quot;In Flanders Fields;quot; written by Canadian John McCrae remains one of the most important and memorable pieces of war poems ever written. John McCrae came from a respectable family and became a soldier/ doctor/ author/ teacher. Though he wrote textbooks on medicine and numerous poems he will be forever remembered as being the voice of the many who had fallen during WWI. ;quot;In Flande rs Field,;quot; stirred the hearts of soldiers and their familys everywhere- not just Canada. In a simple language and with flowing verse it vividly evoked the situation and emotions of the front line troops. John McCraes poem later inspired the poppy to become the symbol of Remembrance and sacrifice.;#9;John McCrae was born in Guelph, Ontario on November 30,1872 to two established, respectable and hardworking Scottish parents, David McCrae and Janet Simpson Eckford. The McCraes were staunch Presbyterians with the resilience and self-reliance of second-generation pioneers in Canada. David McCrae instilled a strong sense of duty and healthy respect for military values in his two sons. John McCrae was offered a scholarship from the University of Toronto in 1888 where he went on to study physiology and pathology as well, McCrae wrote poetry for the school paper The Varsity. From there he graduated from medical school with a gold medal for his outstanding academic performance. In 1899 h e moved to Montreal to accept a fellowship in pathology and to study at the McGill University School of Medicine. Although McCrae was devoted to his medical career; when the Boer War erupted he was one of the first volunteers who wished to go and contribute to the defense of the Empire. John McCrae had been brought up to cherish the duty of fighting for ones country and was eager to do his part. The Boer (in 1899) war was his first experience where his military skills as a soldier came before his role of doctor. When Britain declared war in 1917 and joined forces with the Allied powers, Canada followed suit immediately. McCrae had seen first hand the deadly effects of war and had no illusions of what to expect. McCrae was assigned to be surgeon to the 1st Field Artillery Brigade. He felt he was one of the most qualified doctor-soldiers in the country and felt his obligation to the country and to the Empire. McCraes greatest test would come when his Canadian contingent were sent to t he Ypres Salient. Up to this point the Canadians were not regarded as fighting soldiers and were thus given the assignment of occupying this relatively quite sector of the front. The importance of Ypres would soon be realized when on April 22, 1915 the German line used the first poisonous gas attack in war against the Canadians and Algerians troops to gain access to the important roads that intersected in Ypres. The Algerian troops fled leaving a gap of six kilometers along the trench system. Now the German side had the ability to take control of the area. Somehow the gap was filled with the Canadians who even managed to counterattack, a strategy that came as a complete surprise to the Germans. John McCraes post was near a particularly dangerous section of the road. The Germans had it covered with artillery fire for seventeen days of battle. McCrae would later write:#9;quot;Seventeen days of Hades! At the end of the first day if anyone had told us we had to spend seventeen days ther e, we would have folded our hands and said it could not be done. After the Second Battle of Ypres there was no longer any doubt of the courage and strength of the Canadian troops. On May 2nd, McCraes close friend and one time student, Lieutenant Alexis H. Helmer was killed by a German shell. McCrae performed the burial himself in the absence of a chaplain service that night to avoid any enemy detention. The next day during a lull in the fighting, McCrae took a break and stared at the cemetery where his friend was buried the day before. He noticed that each day the rows of white crosses grew longer and the field of Flanders was carpeted with blood red poppies. John McCrae then spent twenty minutes scribbling fifteen lines of verse on a scrap piece of paper. When he was done he took the piece of paper and gave it to Cyril Allinson, a twenty-two year old sergeant major who was delivering mail that day. Allinson describes the seen:quot;The poem was exactly an exact description of the sc ene in front of us both. He used the word blow in that line because the poppies actually were being blown that morning by a gentle east wind. It never occurred to me at that time that it would ever be published. It seemed to me just an exact description of the scene.quot; General Morrison wrote, quot;this poem was literally born of fire and blood during the hottest phases of the 2nd Battle of Ypres.quot; The poem was eventually sent to England. The Spectator in London rejected it but Punch published it on December 8, 1915. Physics Problem EssayGranfield, Linda. In Flanders Fields: The Story of the Poem by John McCrae. Toronto: Lester Publishing Limited, 1995. In Flanders Fields Museum. September 1998. (October 12,1999). McCrae, John. In Flanders Fields. Toronto: William Briggs, 1919. Prescott, John F. In Flanders Fields: The Story of John McCrae. Ontario: The Boston Mill Press, 1985. Ruggenberg, Rob. ;quot;In Flanders Fields.;quot; The Heritage of the Great War. 1995. (October 12, 1999). Smithson, Dan. In Flanders Fields. Toronto: Fitzhenry ;amp; Whiteside Limited, 1984. Vance, F Jonathan. Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning and the First World War. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Compare and contrast the concepts of conformity and obedience
Obedience can be termed as an act in which one responds or adheres to certain instructions from a higher authority without questioning. As a result, obedience allows individuals to follow guidelines and instructions as per by-laws within society, school, homes and other social places. Conversely, conformity is acting in accordance to the desire of other people in a group to avoid being considered an outcast (Sloan et al., 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Compare and contrast the concepts of conformity and obedience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Comparison Both traits are sociological norms depicted by human beings in society. In both cases, an individual must change his or her behavior to correspond to the demand of the dominant group (Sloan et al, 2009). According to social psychologists, the presence of these traits in society enhances mutual and peaceful co-existence. Moreover, people use the traits to seek comfort and overcome the consequences derived from denial and disobedience. In this case, obedience helps one to avoid punishment while conformity keeps one off from unpleasant feeling of indifference (Sloan et al, 2009). These traits regulate behavior of people in the society by ensuring that personal outlooks do not maneuver societal norms. For instance, when one fails to obey or conform to a group norm, they are disapproved hence feel as outcasts. Vividly, these traits involve total compliance to what is perceived as right in a group, Contrast In spite of the fact that the two characteristics are necessary and vital in analyzing behavior, they are prevalent in one way or the other among groups. In this case, there exist credible differences in the two aspects (Sloan et al, 2009). However, the two concepts are frequently confused as they almost mean the same thing. According to psychologists, conformity involves yielding to group and peer pressures (McCloskey, Ber man, 2003). Thus, an individual is compelled to act in a certain way in order to please his peers. Conformity comes out of an individual will to make a social group feel happy. On the other hand, obedience is an act of acting upon instructions in the desired way. Obedience aligns with authority from superior figure such as parents, teachers or administrators. Notably, an individual obeys in order to overcome unpleasant impacts such as punishments. Nevertheless, conformity is out of individual choice and it is voluntary to fit in a particular social group (McCloskey, Berman, 2003).Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Exclusively, obedience comes about as a result of minority convincing the majority on the way to work out certain issues (Sloan et al, 2009). In contrast to this, conformity involves the minority being influenced by the majority view. Obedient has a specific de mand amid conformity whose demands are implicit. Analyze a classical study concerning the effect of group influence on the self Social groups have much potential to influence people’s behavior and their altitudes. Sociologists confirm that, social influences affect peers or people in the same group through conformity. Empirical research studies on this subject reveal that individuals are likely to lose their identity in order to conform to desires of other people in a social group. As already mentioned, the latter case is mostly common where individuals belong in specific groups that have been formed to carry out unique functions. most cases, people use conformity as a tool of enhancing peaceful and meaningful co-existence in society since it was considered to be an ideal worth emulating (McCloskey Berman, 2003). Furthermore, social conformity may lead an individual into unethical and unacceptable behavioral patterns and as are spoil the reputation of the affected person. It is against this backdrop that social influencing institutions like schools and churches tend to negatively alter or influence individuals’ character leading to denial of personal identity (Sloan et al., 2009). A comparative study done on social groups illustrated that individual feeling and actions are highly dependent on social pressure. It is vivid that human being is a social creature who seeks fitness for comfort and to enhance belongingness. Although people have different perspectives toward certain characters, majority have conformed to undesired traits to avoid disapproval from acquaintances as well as friends (Sloan et al., 2009). A good example is whereby teenagers have indulged into drug abuse and sexual immorality because their peers are also doing the same. Some people feel neglected hence and as a result, they end up engaging in bad habits contrary to the expectations of the established settings. Some people would change their personal identities due to the cont inued change of social institutions.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Compare and contrast the concepts of conformity and obedience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, obedience may be experimented by individuals who feel that they are either neglected or less important in society or by those who face extreme pressure from authority. In the latter case, it may happen due to the fact that such people have no other option to pull themselves out. This implies that conformity and obedience can ruin the self of an individual in the sense that both of these traits may extremely impact individuals in either way. Analyze a contemporary example of the effect that group influence has on the self There are several contemporary and upcoming issues that are as a result of group influence to the self (McCloskey Berman, 2003). According to the retrospective study conducted in higher educational institutions , it is evident that students’ behaviors have been largely manipulated by peer group influences. For instance, it is vital to mention that strikes and violent acts have become rampant in high schools and higher learning institutions. An empirical research conducted on some the underlying causes of this aggressive attitude towards authority revealed that peer influence in these learning institutions is to blame (McCloskey Berman, 2003). Needless to say, According to social psychologists, it is evident that social influence plays a vital role in determining behavior of students in schools. This implies that, there are motivation factors that accelerate deviance in should be decimated. This will ensure that, students only conform to appropriate norms and behaviors within the institutions and to the desired manner (McCloskey, Berman, 2003). Analyze the individual and societal influences that lead some to deviate from dominant societal norms Individuals and society influence eac h other for various reasons (Bourgeis, Sommer Bruno, 2009). In most cases, the interaction and influence is exhibited for the purpose of ensuring meaningful sustenance, accuracy and control. According to researchers, it is evident that with mutual existence, both the society and individuals influence each other socially. It is apparent that there is always a reason as to why an individual or society often succumbs to social influence. Most Studies on conformity and obedience have revealed that any form of conformity to social influence can lead to deviation from the dominant societal norms (Bourgeis, Sommer Bruno, 2009). This normally occurs when a dominant party, be it the society or an individual with deviant behavior, challenges the opponent.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Eventually, the opponent falls for the opinion of the dominant group to overcome rejection alongside boosting their esteem. Indeed, this may be a complicated scenario in a bid to understand conformity and obedience. According to social psychologists, a group of people might have a common goal or aim to achieve. It is imperative to note that not all opinions, aims or objectives may be accepted to be morally right bearing in minds that there are those who may decide to deviate from the usual norms prescribed by the very society they live in (Bourgeois, Sommer Bruno, 2009). At this point, the society as the dominant party will seek to win individuals to conform to their thoughts, opinions and perspectives. Overwhelmingly, the minor party will be compelled to conform to the view of the society without considering their emotional and interpersonal impacts. On the other hand an individual can influence a group or society into positive social phenomena such as obedience and compliance to moral ethics (Bourgeis, Sommer Bruno, 2009). Nevertheless, loss of influence or ability to influence can cause evasiveness and deviance from the group or the society. Evidence reveals that when there is failure to influence an individual to the desired target this causes dislike, rejection and deviant acts emerge against the socially accepted ethics (Bourgeis, Sommer Bruno, 2009). In summing up, it is vital to reiterate that conformity and obedience are closely related terms although they vastly differ both in meaning and application since both of then are intrinsic sociological norms. References Bourgeis, J., Sommer, K. Bruno, S. (2009). What do we get out of influencing others? Social influence, 4 (2), 96–121. McCloskey, S. Berman, E. (2003). Alcohol intoxication and self-aggressive behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 112, 306-311. Sloan, A. et al. (2009).Group Influences on Self-Aggression: Conformity and Dissenter Effects. Journal of Social and Clinical Psycholo gy, 28(5), 535-553. This research paper on Compare and contrast the concepts of conformity and obedience was written and submitted by user Jadon Brooks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Was Germany to Blame for WW2 essays
Was Germany to Blame for WW2 essays The question of whether or not Germany was to blame for the instigation or World War One has been a key question which many historians like, Ficher, and many others have tried to rationally answer but there is a level of controversy involved. The common belief is that the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand was the spark, which set off the war. Besides this factor, there were other contributing instances which both indicate Germanys participation and other nations in Europe creating the war such as political alliances, imperialist ambitions, nationalism and militarism. For years, the European nations had been making alliances with eachother. It was thought the alliances would promote peace in the continent. Their allies in case of war would thus protect each country. This made it a foolish mistake if one country was to instigate a war on another. The danger of these alliances was that an argument between two countries could draw all the other nations into a fight. The formation of alliances did not do what was expected to happen, instead it created conflict, and this can be said to be cause, which led to World War 1. The Triple Alliance composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, stood opposed to the Triple Entente composed of Britain, France, and Russia were of major concern. With the formation of the Triple Alliance in 1871 two new major countries in Europe had been formed-the German Empire and the kingdom of Italy. The new German Empire, under the hand of Otto von Bismarck, was directed cautiously, with their eye on France. This was because during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870-71 France was left yearning for their revenge and for the recovery of provinces of Alsace and Lorraine that they had lost. This gave France an incentive for war against the Germans and Italians. France had the taste of bitterness in her mouth for many years, and the international tensions occurring in the area seemed a perfect time ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Mind-Body Connection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mind-Body Connection - Essay Example It is also not clear how compatible these inter-relations are, if any, and how complete are in the physical world. Descriptions given by formative degree and mid-nature connections are analogous. The operational principle of mind-body connection receives rations internally. Therefore, this connection strongly depends on spirit and mental effects. To begin with, there are vital things that influence connection between people’s minds and bodies. The inter-relation may result in negative or positive response within our bodies. Proponents believe that, people’s bodies do not just respond boldly but there is an internal play connecting mind with the rest of the body. In addition to that, our physical manifestation takes place due to our thoughts and emotions (Hall, 2011). For instance, a joyous memory or emotion may make people feel lighter and relaxed. On the other hand, an upsetting moment may cause a heart to race or make someone feel clammy. The body does not think but f eels. Therefore, it is clear that actions occur when mind and body inter-connect. Furthermore, some scientists claim that there is no any connection between mind and body where else others use some facts to explain the connection. Some say that personal growth is the key to mind and body connection since it raises people’s awareness and consciousness as well (Sha, 2006). When people free and expand their minds, they condition beliefs and behavior hence what enters one’s mind contributes to some degree of body reaction. There is a way in which mind shifts. In this case, people rethink how they live and start revolving around suggestions that discovered the conduit between people’s physical and mental status. Even though it seems so odd, it is true that all boundaries and divisions matters of our actions are simply a construct of our thoughts. Those who do not see the relationship between mind and body believe that there is nothing separate in the world of quantum . Moreover, those defying the presence of mind-body connection put across that, following emerging science assumptions the word connection loses its bases without the word separation. It is through utilization of language that people get informed thus creating too much awareness about reality. However, traditional medicine specialists view both mind and body as a dualistic dichotomy. They consider mind and body as simply wholesome aspects but differing (Klein, 2007). Scientific research reveals that, the idea of critical role played by our minds and emotions is a fundamental premise within interrogative medicine. Ancient healing procedures incorporated mind and body connection to heal. In order to achieve good health there should be balanced state of mind, body, and environment. Humans’ body undergoes situations that trigger emotional stress. For example, some situations like loss of a loved through death, separating from a loved one, getting laid-off from work and even movin g to a new house may be extreme thus causing anxiety or stress. However, people overcome them by use of fight-to-fight response. In such a situation, the mind links with the body and the latter secretes a hormone called catecholamine. Examples of catecholamine are no epinephrine and epinephrine. In entering the body’s bloodstream these hormones either increases breathing rate or quickens heart hence putting someone in position to deal with the current situation such as fear. Generally, how the mind and body inter-connect is amusing.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Jim Crow Segregation in Mississippi Research Paper
Jim Crow Segregation in Mississippi - Research Paper Example The African-Americans were reduced to second class citizens. The churches claimed the whites were the chosen people and the blacks were cursed to be servants for white people. This implied that God supported segregation. The newspapers referred to blacks as Niggers, darkies, coons and even the articles and games played by children were stereotypic. Violence was used to maintain the blacks at the bottom of the hierarchy. The segregation rules came to ultimate end in 1965 when every individual was allowed full rights. This included voting but after a long tussle and struggle by the rights activists which included the civil war between the federation and the southern states (Kay 210). Essie’s family lived in a shack with two rooms. The shack was not enough for them and the conditions were dilapidating. The parents tried to make it comfortable by decorating it using mismatched wall papers with cardboard pieces stacked in the numberless cracks on the walls. The state of the house w as a clear example of the real conditions that the blacks in the southern states like Mississippi lived. The kids stayed alone at home because the parents stayed in the fields working for their white master all day. However, the wages were not even enough to fend the small families. This situation is aggravated by burning of the shack by Ed who was left to look after Essie and her siblings. Thereafter, Mae is blamed for the tragedy and thoroughly beaten (Moody 167). Mae’s father used his free time gambling although it was very difficult. This made him see another mulatto woman thus, a second marriage. Therefore, Mae was left alone to fend for the family. Later, the family decided to move to a house near a swamp. The place had several snakes which occasionally sneaked into the house. Mae’s mother was now working at a cafe for the blacks. She discovered that the place was not safe however; they could not find another cheap place to stay. They were living in such places a s a result of poverty. This poverty is aggravated by the fact that the blacks in Mississippi were discriminated in employment opportunities and land ownership. Due to the situation that Mae, Adline and Junior were facing, they yearned to ride bikes just like the other kids. They were segregated and they only had a chance to sit on the trench which indicated the level of poverty that the family had. Raymond builds a house for the family which lacks an indoor plumbing although it had water line. Mae believes that they were entitled to everything which could make them comfortable. This is evident as Mama and Essie Mae goes to the market to buy wallpapers for their new house. They also manage to purchase furniture as Essie proposes that they would buy a white post bed just like the one she had seen at Miss Ola’s place where she worked for an extra coin (Kay 178). Therein, she is reminded by the mother not to ape the whites. Her mother reiterates that she was influenced by the Cla iborne family where she spent most of the time working Raymond’s buys an old Mule to use in tilling a rented strip of land. This implied that the family was very poor and could not afford to purchase a young one which was more expensive. The piece of land that Raymond rented was very cheap and unused because he found a grenade which rendered the farm desolate and dangerous. This meant that the family could not afford to buy a piece of land. Furthermore, they could not afford to rent a more productive and safe land. The African-Americans could only
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Postwar Transformation of Canadian Identity Essay Example for Free
Postwar Transformation of Canadian Identity Essay Much can be credited on the postwar state of transformation to the state of Canada. It can be argued that, Canada went through a state of political, social and economic transformations that were built by the effects and influences of the postwar period. Amongst the broad array of scholars and historians that have stood to recommend about these transformations, Jose Igartua can be echoed in his book, â€Å"The other Quiet Revolution. †In his anthology, he has developed an attractive package of the historical background that shaped Canada between 1945 and 1971. Broadly, the aspect of Canadian national identity within the postwar period has been a hallmark of events that has continued to frustrate, obsess and fascinate its citizens, politicians and scholars across the span of many years. However, a disparity exists between these different persons in their understanding about the state of Canada as having a national identity. At one arm of the argument, some are at full denial that Canada has had anything like a national identity. The other contrasting fashion of the disparity is that, Canada even enjoys multiple of national identities with a competing portfolio to one another. However, as much as we would choose to neglect the issue of national identity in Canada, a constant reminder about the same is provided by various aspects within the Canadian society. The 20th Century was highly crucial in modeling the nature of the Canadian society. It can be argued that the postwar transformation saw Canada changing from an ethnic into a civic nationalist state. However, an important question would be in digging about when Canada got out of the British colony and thus providing itself with a national sovereignty. However, the Canadian identity changed from its entangles of the British colony which was characterized by ethnicity towards a society that had an equal share of its civic values. During the British colony to Canada, the Canadians who had a Japanese origin went through learning and emulation of the British colony both during and after World War II. This was however characterized of ethnicity between the Canadians and their colony. However, its liberation from the British colony gave it a chance of sharing its civic values where other races such as French Canadians as well as other non British racial groups were now recognized . This provided that all the groups were given the power of participating in the Canadian life parameters through shared responsibilities and resources. Elsewhere, an endurance of the ambiguities that had encroached the culture of the English Canadian identity was provided by the radical establishments of the civic modeled Canada in order to provide a well formulated intellectual activity. However, Igartua has drawn the use of Anthony Smith’s theory in explaining the context of Canadian nationalism. By and large, the Canadian shift of its former ethnic state to a civic nationalism can be argued as important historical events towards the shaping of Canadian identity. In the lieu to bridge an affirmative description to this state of transformation, different scholars such as Richard Gwyn, John Dieferbaker and Michael Ignatieff have soundly come up to explore the legitimate foundations in the change of the Canadian identity transformation. According to Igartua however, the 1960’s was a unique period in the Canadian history where it experienced a state of â€Å"Quiet Revolution†which can be equated more or less to that shaped the modern Quebec. However, the analytical exploration into the state of revolution of Canada by Igartua is established through his â€Å"argumentative statements†and a pursuit of â€Å"conventional wisdom â€Å" about the Canadians identity theory. In his acknowledgement however, though the English Canadians have not finally dispensed a truly indisputable state of national identity, it can be said that they have changed the ideal terms with which state of identity could be developed and discussed. Generally, a great challenge is posited to the fact that the identity for English- Canadian went through a state of gradual process whose beginning point was in the World War I and ended in the World War II. This saw great heights of transformations into its economic and social parameters soon after the World War II. According to Igartua however, the English Canada after 1945 had still the bondage of a British colony state in a commonwealth of British Empire. However, the fight for its liberation went on in 1946 when its liberal government made attempts of introducing a new national flag, changing its Dominion Day to become Canada Day as well as separating its citizenship. Indeed, the same was loosely echoed by the Canadians who associated it with the activities of the French and British Canada towards repudiating its national sovereignty. The same conflict also saw many liberals and conservatives being outraged by the refusal of the Canadian government in backing of Britain at the crisis of Suez Canal. Broadly, the Canadians were shallow of this fury when they noted that Britain had a narrow level of self interest to Canada or even any other commonwealth state. However, Canada was know loosing its capacity as a pure British nation despite the massive chanting and borrowing of pro-British slogans by the conservatives led by Diefenbaker and his fellow conservatives. Elsewhere, Deifenbaker was divided in Canada when he chose to posit that Britain was becoming one of the members in the European Economic Community. This was in the implication to the Canadians that they had sediments of ties to Britain which repudiated a contrasting essence of state phenomena to their obligations. Generally, the basics of Quiet Revolution for English Canadian are centered in its flag debate of 1964 and its consequent implication in its responses towards the implication of the Royal Commission on â€Å"Biculturalism and Bilingualism which was hereafter called the â€Å"B and B Commission†. Presumably, much can be said and handled in these two levels of state revolutions. Firstly, the Canadian flag debate has gone down into the historical books of a period of fountain chronological events. This saw the older and former view posited to the Canada as British state which was highly exposed by its conservative leader Diefenbaker to no longer hold any fundamental interest to the public and newspaper editors over justifying why the state was to be ruled by a conservatives parliament. Consequently, this move was historical and saw many Canadians who included a majority of francphones to have a great sigh of enthusiasm in embracing the new state flag in 1964. However, another portion gave a resignation to the same as an implication of the anti-support campaign towards the conservative rule but followers of the British colony. The rising new flag consequently saw the former â€Å"Red Ensign†and â€Å"Union Jack†which were focused as the long serviced convenient symbols were submerged under the power of the new rule . According to Igartua, this new flag had no trace about the former power of the two â€Å"nations that found Canada†. However, this new flag came as a uniquely â€Å"fitting banner†towards the emergence of a civil Canadian State. Elsewhere, the supplementary role played by the â€Å"B and B Commission†was ideally important when analyzing the state of revolution in Canada after World War II. Historically, this commission was an awakening step for the English Canada towards the Quiet Revolution issues embraced by the Quebec. Historically, many quarters predicted a back clash in their ant-campaign on nationalist philosophies that came from the Quebec City. This was also in the anti-campaign against the liberal government of the federal system. The commission also recognized and anticipated that Canada was not as perceived by many people as bifurcated state that was made of two monolithic racial /ethnic groups. However, it constituted an agglomeration of many individual persons who obliged to equality of their rights. Moreover, Igartua argued that the long held concept about individual equality finally came to loose its connotation when it came to have its ground work meaning modeled into a more universalistic and premise approach to human rights conception. This consequently saw the establishment of support towards Trudeau’s vision towards Canada which was later modeled in its official languages in the Act of 1969. Through out the historical confrontation to build up and restore the sense of national identity, English Canadians went through a back log of defining their optimistic sense of identity as a tool for political survival. The postwar Canada embraced a radical epoch into a fountain state of search for knowledge through emergence of a well structured curriculum of education. Across the board however, its plunge into wide pools of education and issues also saw Canada embracing a unique state of change into its identity. According to Igartua, text books and school curriculum within Canada seldom changed to capture a broad and highly developed state of codification towards the broad state of the Canadian identity. The former structures and modalities on societal modeling envisaged by the pre-war period were averted by the nature of the changing state of education in the country. Consequently, Canada started to enjoy a wide and promoted state of its educational and knowledge background that went even beyond the levels of many postwar countries. Generally, Canada posited a pride in a British heritage as well as imperial achievements few years after the end of world war II. However, its state of national heritage identity was precariously eroding within the 1960s to giving in less ethnocentric and more conservative view about its past . Such past chronological heritage is what was known to give non-British races, Francophenes and natives a short thrift as it was modeled by the nature of the British culture and modes of living . Importantly therefore, the educational transformation for the post war Canada was highly important in shaping its national identity. Historically, such education can be internalized as a tool that provided a positive influence in the decline of the old system of societal establishment modeled by the British colonial system to a more conservative state that was ruled by civic rule of society leadership by itself. Pursuit in the changing state of education offered an attractive state with which the native and other non-British citizens enjoyed a more lucrative fashion towards modeling their life which was not shaped and dictated by colonial majesty. According to Igartua, collective identities perceived by postwar Canadians were responsive and malleable towards the changing state of the Canadian context. To him however, the advanced and more modeled state of education did a lot to improve the state of changing national identity whose focus was from a society governed through rule and dictates to a more rational and civic society where each person played a predominant role towards its progress. It is also important to pinpoint the influence of change in art, sports and literature as an important variable in the changing course of Canadian identity,. However, the Canadians embraced such changing precepts into literature, art and sports that also defined their new status of a changed national identity. The stylistic status and capacity of its cultural imaginery was therefore changing to a more benevolent status that ignited a reservation of a more nationalistic identity. They started developing a more reformed state of national approach and models of culture which was coined towards addressing the change of its former identity towards a more Canadian nationalist identity. By and large, few other variables would be incorporated in the modalities of developing a Canadian identity. This can be factors such as the United States influence in political and economic structures that provided a cutting edge into this revolution. Elsewhere, the change in the nature of Commonwealth Empire was an important factor towards this change. Moreover, the status of immigrations provided a refuge towards a support for a refining factor in the process of Canadian refining identity. Different types of foreign immigrants were found being desirable by the Canadians towards the end of 1940s. To the Canadians, different scopes of immigrants gave them a motivation towards redefining their identity when they brought in various cultural identities from their countries of origins . This consequently influenced the identity of the English Canada. As how Edmund Burke made complains within the French revolution, any a nation could not survive and cohere if it had basis of rights and abstract compactness. However, it had to interact with wide phenomena of social structures that were engulfed and borrowed from different social Diasporas. This was true for Canada in that its Quiet Revolution was initiated by an interaction with a broad phenomena of both state and foreign phenomena which included cultural borrowings, political and social imageries. Summarily therefore, the post war Canada was characterized by a changing phenomena of its national identity that was modeled on a more civic self-ruled and democratic system of government. The same changing identity also saw a gradual change into the British colonial system into a more national state of government modeled by the rules, culture and principles of the English Canadians . It was characterized of a wide scope ideological and culture diversities. It saw a new massive reconstruction into its cultural portfolio that gave in a new framework of relationship between the state and the citizens. There was also a new re-organizement into the labor and the political structures which saw a change in the provincial administration and economic reconstruction. This period was also marked as a period with which great foundations of social and political consensus was formulated. It was provided by tools such as creeping Americanization, diffusion of societal prosperity, and the end of challenged cultural dominance. Equality and equity gradually paved its way into the Canadian societal modalities that provided an equal share of the state advantages between both the marginalized and the huge groups . Seldom therefore, the postwar culture was important and characterized by strong sense of internal tensions that contained elements of national conservatism and a broad reflection of diversity into its cultural , political and economic facets. It had a lot towards providing better structures for a more stable state of Canadian status.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Great Gatsby Essay -- Literary Analysis, F. Scott Fitzgerald
In the 1920s the values and morals of the majority of America were changing from very conservative to extremely liberal. People became more interested in what benefited them most, while disregarding what the cost would be. This is what essentially gave this era the title of â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†. The total rebellion of people changing from having a great set of morals and values to being corrupt and materialistic entirely reshaped the start of this era. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses Nick Carraway to show the worldly view of what good values and morals should be against the skewed values of Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. Nick Carraway is portrayed by Fitzgerald as a small town guy from the Middle West that, while purpose-driven, isn’t focused as much on being wealthy as being successful. This is very evident when Nick’s new house is introduced. He describes it by saying, My house was an eye-sore, but it was a small eye-sore and had been overlooked so I had a view of the water, a partial view of my neighbor’s lawn and the consoling proximity of millionaires – all for eighty dollars a month (Fitzgerald 9-10). Nick knows he does not have the biggest and best house on the block, and he doesn’t really care. He takes pride in the fact that he is making away for himself and getting to live in a first class neighborhood. Harold Bloom supports this when he says, â€Å"Compared to Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, Nick has modest means and modest desires†(1). These quotes both back up the fact that Nick is not a money-craving American. He is content with where he is in his life. Nick was also taught to be non-judgmental and to use his mind to succeed. The readers see this when Nick repeats father’s is advise when he is younger an... ...ay the wide difference between good and right morals and values of the 1920s and corrupt and superficial morals and values of that era. The â€Å"Roaring Twenties†was becoming full of people that are focused solely on satisfying their own wants and desires, instead of what would propel them further in life. The world had just gotten out of a war and was enjoying every minute of its life. It was a total change from people who had been extremely conservative, always living life by the book, to a whole new generation of liberals who would change the way Americans lived their life. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a great example of the diversity of values at that time. He made sure to include every criteria, from old money to new money, humbleness and pride, and true love versus love for money, these are all aspects that help to form a persons morals and values.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
ICT- Is the understanding of different information and verifying information from data and knowledge
ICT- Is the understanding of different information and verifying information from data and knowledge. How information is communicated and the different types of technology involved. Systems involving computers. Transfer of data and the different types of transfers.ICT does not always involve computers any sort of data being processed into information involves ICT. The Impact of ICT on the music industry This assignment will describe how ICT has affected the general public via the music industry. Music is everywhere nowadays in many different forms but many people do not realise how much of it is ICT based. It's amazing how much of music now relies on computers to run. Music is usually stored in digital format on CD, Minidisk or DVD's. All stages of music production require some sought of ICT involvement from recording to actual CD manufacture . The musician will record the music via microphones that will record and then computers will be used to enhance the quality of the music and then the final touches are added. The internet has also benefited the music industry as people can download music very quickly efficiently but this has also meant that the rate of piracy has increased. Most people wouldn't believe how much it is costing the artists and producers, the figure I millions. Broadband has also helped step up the downloading music from the internet especially from peer to peer networks such as KAZAA. An example of a major internet piracy bust would be Audio galaxy which was closed down due to it releasing music without licenses. ICT has meant that music can be stored instantly and randomly so that it can be edited and mixed for production even by home users. Music has become portable and even phones nowadays have MIDI ring tones that can be transferred using a PC. Phones even allow music recorded onto them for later listening. This just shows how many day to day products are being integrated with music technology and how important music is becoming to society. Most phones that are being released currently come with integrated radio and also stereo headphones. Storing music on computers has meant the urge for more memory and the reason memory on computers is required so much is due to the storage of music. Although ICT has created many new jobs it has also meant that many jobs have been lost due to the fact many jobs have become automated e.g. CD production. An amazing event involving a surprising computer program called EMI (Experiments in Musical Instruments) performed at a concert by writing Mozart's 42nd symphony but the amazing thing is that Mozart only wrote 41. This program was able to replace a musician and compile a whole symphony. This program is able to recognise a composer's signature (the distinctive pattern a composer tends to use over and over again). This shows how computers are more and more replacing humans and doing their jobs. Computers have also meant that many new highly skilled jobs are on offer for people who have degrees in the computer section. Overall ICT has affected society as a whole and day by day more and more people are becoming dependant on computers. Nearly everything runs on or is guided by computers and most scary of all our lives balance on the computers. Young people have also become addicted to games and surfing the net causing parents a major problem.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Surname Baker Its Genealogical Meaning and Origin
From the Middle English bakere and Old English bà ¦cere, a derivation of bacan, meaning to dry by heat, Baker is an occupational surname that originated in medieval times. The name did not, however, necessarily involve a tradesman who baked bread. Baker was also used for others involved with baking in some capacity, including owners of communal ovens in humbler communities. Fast Facts for the Surname Baker Baker may be an Americanized version of similar sounding surnames from other countries, including the German Bà ¤cker and Becker; Dutch Bakker and Bakmann; and the French Boulanger.Baker is the 38th most popular surname in the United States, the 37th most common surname in England, and the 35th most common surname in Australia.Surname Origin: EnglishAlternate Surname Spellings: Bakere Where do People with the Baker Surname Live? According to WorldNames PublicProfiler, the Baker surname is most popularâ€â€based on a percentage of the populationâ€â€in Australia. It is next most popular in the United Kingdom, especially in southern England, followed by the United States, and New Zealand. The Baker surname is also especially popular in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Forebears ranks Baker as the 740th most common surname in the world, and marking it as most common, based on frequency, in Australia, Jamaica, the United States, Wales, and England. Famous People with the Surname Baker Ella Bakerâ€â€American civil rights activistJosephine Bakerâ€â€jazz singer and Harlem Renaissance figureGilbert Bakerâ€â€creator of the gay pride flagAnita Bakerâ€â€Grammy-winning RB singerMary Baker Eddyâ€â€American author, teacher and religious leader; founder of Christian ScienceHenry Bakerâ€â€assistant U.S. patent examiner dedicated to uncovering the contributions of African American inventorsChet Bakerâ€â€American jazz trumpeter and singer Genealogy Resources for the Surname Baker Contrary to what you may have heard, theres no such thing as a coat of arms for the Baker surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families. Coats of arms may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. While you wont be able to look up a coat of arms, there are many other resources to help further your study of all things Baker. Here are just a few: 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their Meaningsâ€â€Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown. If youre one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census, this is a great resource for finding out more about your family history.Baker Family History and Genealogyâ€â€Pictures, documents, and stories for the descendants of Reason Baker of Rowan County, North Carolina. There are also genealogies for a number of other early Baker lines.Baker DNA Studyâ€â€Over 300 male Baker descendants from around the world have already submitted their DNA to this project in order to determine who connects to whom. Individuals with the Baker surname and variations passed down through their direct male line are welcome to join the project.Baker Family Genealogy Forumâ€â€Search this popular genealogy forum for the Baker surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Baker query.FamilySearch - BAKER Genealogyâ€⠀Access over 8 million free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Baker surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. BAKER Surname Family Mailing Listsâ€â€RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Baker surname. You can either join the list or browse or search the list archives to research in postings going back more than a - BAKER Genealogy Family Historyâ€â€Explore databases and genealogy links for the last name Baker.The Baker Genealogy and Family Tree Pageâ€â€Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Baker surname from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings. Chicago: Polish Genealogical Society, 1993. Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow. Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich - Wydawnictwo, 1991. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
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