Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Postwar Transformation of Canadian Identity Essay Example for Free
Postwar Transformation of Canadian Identity Essay Much can be credited on the postwar state of transformation to the state of Canada. It can be argued that, Canada went through a state of political, social and economic transformations that were built by the effects and influences of the postwar period. Amongst the broad array of scholars and historians that have stood to recommend about these transformations, Jose Igartua can be echoed in his book, â€Å"The other Quiet Revolution. †In his anthology, he has developed an attractive package of the historical background that shaped Canada between 1945 and 1971. Broadly, the aspect of Canadian national identity within the postwar period has been a hallmark of events that has continued to frustrate, obsess and fascinate its citizens, politicians and scholars across the span of many years. However, a disparity exists between these different persons in their understanding about the state of Canada as having a national identity. At one arm of the argument, some are at full denial that Canada has had anything like a national identity. The other contrasting fashion of the disparity is that, Canada even enjoys multiple of national identities with a competing portfolio to one another. However, as much as we would choose to neglect the issue of national identity in Canada, a constant reminder about the same is provided by various aspects within the Canadian society. The 20th Century was highly crucial in modeling the nature of the Canadian society. It can be argued that the postwar transformation saw Canada changing from an ethnic into a civic nationalist state. However, an important question would be in digging about when Canada got out of the British colony and thus providing itself with a national sovereignty. However, the Canadian identity changed from its entangles of the British colony which was characterized by ethnicity towards a society that had an equal share of its civic values. During the British colony to Canada, the Canadians who had a Japanese origin went through learning and emulation of the British colony both during and after World War II. This was however characterized of ethnicity between the Canadians and their colony. However, its liberation from the British colony gave it a chance of sharing its civic values where other races such as French Canadians as well as other non British racial groups were now recognized . This provided that all the groups were given the power of participating in the Canadian life parameters through shared responsibilities and resources. Elsewhere, an endurance of the ambiguities that had encroached the culture of the English Canadian identity was provided by the radical establishments of the civic modeled Canada in order to provide a well formulated intellectual activity. However, Igartua has drawn the use of Anthony Smith’s theory in explaining the context of Canadian nationalism. By and large, the Canadian shift of its former ethnic state to a civic nationalism can be argued as important historical events towards the shaping of Canadian identity. In the lieu to bridge an affirmative description to this state of transformation, different scholars such as Richard Gwyn, John Dieferbaker and Michael Ignatieff have soundly come up to explore the legitimate foundations in the change of the Canadian identity transformation. According to Igartua however, the 1960’s was a unique period in the Canadian history where it experienced a state of â€Å"Quiet Revolution†which can be equated more or less to that shaped the modern Quebec. However, the analytical exploration into the state of revolution of Canada by Igartua is established through his â€Å"argumentative statements†and a pursuit of â€Å"conventional wisdom â€Å" about the Canadians identity theory. In his acknowledgement however, though the English Canadians have not finally dispensed a truly indisputable state of national identity, it can be said that they have changed the ideal terms with which state of identity could be developed and discussed. Generally, a great challenge is posited to the fact that the identity for English- Canadian went through a state of gradual process whose beginning point was in the World War I and ended in the World War II. This saw great heights of transformations into its economic and social parameters soon after the World War II. According to Igartua however, the English Canada after 1945 had still the bondage of a British colony state in a commonwealth of British Empire. However, the fight for its liberation went on in 1946 when its liberal government made attempts of introducing a new national flag, changing its Dominion Day to become Canada Day as well as separating its citizenship. Indeed, the same was loosely echoed by the Canadians who associated it with the activities of the French and British Canada towards repudiating its national sovereignty. The same conflict also saw many liberals and conservatives being outraged by the refusal of the Canadian government in backing of Britain at the crisis of Suez Canal. Broadly, the Canadians were shallow of this fury when they noted that Britain had a narrow level of self interest to Canada or even any other commonwealth state. However, Canada was know loosing its capacity as a pure British nation despite the massive chanting and borrowing of pro-British slogans by the conservatives led by Diefenbaker and his fellow conservatives. Elsewhere, Deifenbaker was divided in Canada when he chose to posit that Britain was becoming one of the members in the European Economic Community. This was in the implication to the Canadians that they had sediments of ties to Britain which repudiated a contrasting essence of state phenomena to their obligations. Generally, the basics of Quiet Revolution for English Canadian are centered in its flag debate of 1964 and its consequent implication in its responses towards the implication of the Royal Commission on â€Å"Biculturalism and Bilingualism which was hereafter called the â€Å"B and B Commission†. Presumably, much can be said and handled in these two levels of state revolutions. Firstly, the Canadian flag debate has gone down into the historical books of a period of fountain chronological events. This saw the older and former view posited to the Canada as British state which was highly exposed by its conservative leader Diefenbaker to no longer hold any fundamental interest to the public and newspaper editors over justifying why the state was to be ruled by a conservatives parliament. Consequently, this move was historical and saw many Canadians who included a majority of francphones to have a great sigh of enthusiasm in embracing the new state flag in 1964. However, another portion gave a resignation to the same as an implication of the anti-support campaign towards the conservative rule but followers of the British colony. The rising new flag consequently saw the former â€Å"Red Ensign†and â€Å"Union Jack†which were focused as the long serviced convenient symbols were submerged under the power of the new rule . According to Igartua, this new flag had no trace about the former power of the two â€Å"nations that found Canada†. However, this new flag came as a uniquely â€Å"fitting banner†towards the emergence of a civil Canadian State. Elsewhere, the supplementary role played by the â€Å"B and B Commission†was ideally important when analyzing the state of revolution in Canada after World War II. Historically, this commission was an awakening step for the English Canada towards the Quiet Revolution issues embraced by the Quebec. Historically, many quarters predicted a back clash in their ant-campaign on nationalist philosophies that came from the Quebec City. This was also in the anti-campaign against the liberal government of the federal system. The commission also recognized and anticipated that Canada was not as perceived by many people as bifurcated state that was made of two monolithic racial /ethnic groups. However, it constituted an agglomeration of many individual persons who obliged to equality of their rights. Moreover, Igartua argued that the long held concept about individual equality finally came to loose its connotation when it came to have its ground work meaning modeled into a more universalistic and premise approach to human rights conception. This consequently saw the establishment of support towards Trudeau’s vision towards Canada which was later modeled in its official languages in the Act of 1969. Through out the historical confrontation to build up and restore the sense of national identity, English Canadians went through a back log of defining their optimistic sense of identity as a tool for political survival. The postwar Canada embraced a radical epoch into a fountain state of search for knowledge through emergence of a well structured curriculum of education. Across the board however, its plunge into wide pools of education and issues also saw Canada embracing a unique state of change into its identity. According to Igartua, text books and school curriculum within Canada seldom changed to capture a broad and highly developed state of codification towards the broad state of the Canadian identity. The former structures and modalities on societal modeling envisaged by the pre-war period were averted by the nature of the changing state of education in the country. Consequently, Canada started to enjoy a wide and promoted state of its educational and knowledge background that went even beyond the levels of many postwar countries. Generally, Canada posited a pride in a British heritage as well as imperial achievements few years after the end of world war II. However, its state of national heritage identity was precariously eroding within the 1960s to giving in less ethnocentric and more conservative view about its past . Such past chronological heritage is what was known to give non-British races, Francophenes and natives a short thrift as it was modeled by the nature of the British culture and modes of living . Importantly therefore, the educational transformation for the post war Canada was highly important in shaping its national identity. Historically, such education can be internalized as a tool that provided a positive influence in the decline of the old system of societal establishment modeled by the British colonial system to a more conservative state that was ruled by civic rule of society leadership by itself. Pursuit in the changing state of education offered an attractive state with which the native and other non-British citizens enjoyed a more lucrative fashion towards modeling their life which was not shaped and dictated by colonial majesty. According to Igartua, collective identities perceived by postwar Canadians were responsive and malleable towards the changing state of the Canadian context. To him however, the advanced and more modeled state of education did a lot to improve the state of changing national identity whose focus was from a society governed through rule and dictates to a more rational and civic society where each person played a predominant role towards its progress. It is also important to pinpoint the influence of change in art, sports and literature as an important variable in the changing course of Canadian identity,. However, the Canadians embraced such changing precepts into literature, art and sports that also defined their new status of a changed national identity. The stylistic status and capacity of its cultural imaginery was therefore changing to a more benevolent status that ignited a reservation of a more nationalistic identity. They started developing a more reformed state of national approach and models of culture which was coined towards addressing the change of its former identity towards a more Canadian nationalist identity. By and large, few other variables would be incorporated in the modalities of developing a Canadian identity. This can be factors such as the United States influence in political and economic structures that provided a cutting edge into this revolution. Elsewhere, the change in the nature of Commonwealth Empire was an important factor towards this change. Moreover, the status of immigrations provided a refuge towards a support for a refining factor in the process of Canadian refining identity. Different types of foreign immigrants were found being desirable by the Canadians towards the end of 1940s. To the Canadians, different scopes of immigrants gave them a motivation towards redefining their identity when they brought in various cultural identities from their countries of origins . This consequently influenced the identity of the English Canada. As how Edmund Burke made complains within the French revolution, any a nation could not survive and cohere if it had basis of rights and abstract compactness. However, it had to interact with wide phenomena of social structures that were engulfed and borrowed from different social Diasporas. This was true for Canada in that its Quiet Revolution was initiated by an interaction with a broad phenomena of both state and foreign phenomena which included cultural borrowings, political and social imageries. Summarily therefore, the post war Canada was characterized by a changing phenomena of its national identity that was modeled on a more civic self-ruled and democratic system of government. The same changing identity also saw a gradual change into the British colonial system into a more national state of government modeled by the rules, culture and principles of the English Canadians . It was characterized of a wide scope ideological and culture diversities. It saw a new massive reconstruction into its cultural portfolio that gave in a new framework of relationship between the state and the citizens. There was also a new re-organizement into the labor and the political structures which saw a change in the provincial administration and economic reconstruction. This period was also marked as a period with which great foundations of social and political consensus was formulated. It was provided by tools such as creeping Americanization, diffusion of societal prosperity, and the end of challenged cultural dominance. Equality and equity gradually paved its way into the Canadian societal modalities that provided an equal share of the state advantages between both the marginalized and the huge groups . Seldom therefore, the postwar culture was important and characterized by strong sense of internal tensions that contained elements of national conservatism and a broad reflection of diversity into its cultural , political and economic facets. It had a lot towards providing better structures for a more stable state of Canadian status.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Great Gatsby Essay -- Literary Analysis, F. Scott Fitzgerald
In the 1920s the values and morals of the majority of America were changing from very conservative to extremely liberal. People became more interested in what benefited them most, while disregarding what the cost would be. This is what essentially gave this era the title of â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†. The total rebellion of people changing from having a great set of morals and values to being corrupt and materialistic entirely reshaped the start of this era. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses Nick Carraway to show the worldly view of what good values and morals should be against the skewed values of Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. Nick Carraway is portrayed by Fitzgerald as a small town guy from the Middle West that, while purpose-driven, isn’t focused as much on being wealthy as being successful. This is very evident when Nick’s new house is introduced. He describes it by saying, My house was an eye-sore, but it was a small eye-sore and had been overlooked so I had a view of the water, a partial view of my neighbor’s lawn and the consoling proximity of millionaires – all for eighty dollars a month (Fitzgerald 9-10). Nick knows he does not have the biggest and best house on the block, and he doesn’t really care. He takes pride in the fact that he is making away for himself and getting to live in a first class neighborhood. Harold Bloom supports this when he says, â€Å"Compared to Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, Nick has modest means and modest desires†(1). These quotes both back up the fact that Nick is not a money-craving American. He is content with where he is in his life. Nick was also taught to be non-judgmental and to use his mind to succeed. The readers see this when Nick repeats father’s is advise when he is younger an... ...ay the wide difference between good and right morals and values of the 1920s and corrupt and superficial morals and values of that era. The â€Å"Roaring Twenties†was becoming full of people that are focused solely on satisfying their own wants and desires, instead of what would propel them further in life. The world had just gotten out of a war and was enjoying every minute of its life. It was a total change from people who had been extremely conservative, always living life by the book, to a whole new generation of liberals who would change the way Americans lived their life. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a great example of the diversity of values at that time. He made sure to include every criteria, from old money to new money, humbleness and pride, and true love versus love for money, these are all aspects that help to form a persons morals and values.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
ICT- Is the understanding of different information and verifying information from data and knowledge
ICT- Is the understanding of different information and verifying information from data and knowledge. How information is communicated and the different types of technology involved. Systems involving computers. Transfer of data and the different types of transfers.ICT does not always involve computers any sort of data being processed into information involves ICT. The Impact of ICT on the music industry This assignment will describe how ICT has affected the general public via the music industry. Music is everywhere nowadays in many different forms but many people do not realise how much of it is ICT based. It's amazing how much of music now relies on computers to run. Music is usually stored in digital format on CD, Minidisk or DVD's. All stages of music production require some sought of ICT involvement from recording to actual CD manufacture . The musician will record the music via microphones that will record and then computers will be used to enhance the quality of the music and then the final touches are added. The internet has also benefited the music industry as people can download music very quickly efficiently but this has also meant that the rate of piracy has increased. Most people wouldn't believe how much it is costing the artists and producers, the figure I millions. Broadband has also helped step up the downloading music from the internet especially from peer to peer networks such as KAZAA. An example of a major internet piracy bust would be Audio galaxy which was closed down due to it releasing music without licenses. ICT has meant that music can be stored instantly and randomly so that it can be edited and mixed for production even by home users. Music has become portable and even phones nowadays have MIDI ring tones that can be transferred using a PC. Phones even allow music recorded onto them for later listening. This just shows how many day to day products are being integrated with music technology and how important music is becoming to society. Most phones that are being released currently come with integrated radio and also stereo headphones. Storing music on computers has meant the urge for more memory and the reason memory on computers is required so much is due to the storage of music. Although ICT has created many new jobs it has also meant that many jobs have been lost due to the fact many jobs have become automated e.g. CD production. An amazing event involving a surprising computer program called EMI (Experiments in Musical Instruments) performed at a concert by writing Mozart's 42nd symphony but the amazing thing is that Mozart only wrote 41. This program was able to replace a musician and compile a whole symphony. This program is able to recognise a composer's signature (the distinctive pattern a composer tends to use over and over again). This shows how computers are more and more replacing humans and doing their jobs. Computers have also meant that many new highly skilled jobs are on offer for people who have degrees in the computer section. Overall ICT has affected society as a whole and day by day more and more people are becoming dependant on computers. Nearly everything runs on or is guided by computers and most scary of all our lives balance on the computers. Young people have also become addicted to games and surfing the net causing parents a major problem.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Surname Baker Its Genealogical Meaning and Origin
From the Middle English bakere and Old English bà ¦cere, a derivation of bacan, meaning to dry by heat, Baker is an occupational surname that originated in medieval times. The name did not, however, necessarily involve a tradesman who baked bread. Baker was also used for others involved with baking in some capacity, including owners of communal ovens in humbler communities. Fast Facts for the Surname Baker Baker may be an Americanized version of similar sounding surnames from other countries, including the German Bà ¤cker and Becker; Dutch Bakker and Bakmann; and the French Boulanger.Baker is the 38th most popular surname in the United States, the 37th most common surname in England, and the 35th most common surname in Australia.Surname Origin: EnglishAlternate Surname Spellings: Bakere Where do People with the Baker Surname Live? According to WorldNames PublicProfiler, the Baker surname is most popularâ€â€based on a percentage of the populationâ€â€in Australia. It is next most popular in the United Kingdom, especially in southern England, followed by the United States, and New Zealand. The Baker surname is also especially popular in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Forebears ranks Baker as the 740th most common surname in the world, and marking it as most common, based on frequency, in Australia, Jamaica, the United States, Wales, and England. Famous People with the Surname Baker Ella Bakerâ€â€American civil rights activistJosephine Bakerâ€â€jazz singer and Harlem Renaissance figureGilbert Bakerâ€â€creator of the gay pride flagAnita Bakerâ€â€Grammy-winning RB singerMary Baker Eddyâ€â€American author, teacher and religious leader; founder of Christian ScienceHenry Bakerâ€â€assistant U.S. patent examiner dedicated to uncovering the contributions of African American inventorsChet Bakerâ€â€American jazz trumpeter and singer Genealogy Resources for the Surname Baker Contrary to what you may have heard, theres no such thing as a coat of arms for the Baker surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families. Coats of arms may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. While you wont be able to look up a coat of arms, there are many other resources to help further your study of all things Baker. Here are just a few: 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their Meaningsâ€â€Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown. If youre one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census, this is a great resource for finding out more about your family history.Baker Family History and Genealogyâ€â€Pictures, documents, and stories for the descendants of Reason Baker of Rowan County, North Carolina. There are also genealogies for a number of other early Baker lines.Baker DNA Studyâ€â€Over 300 male Baker descendants from around the world have already submitted their DNA to this project in order to determine who connects to whom. Individuals with the Baker surname and variations passed down through their direct male line are welcome to join the project.Baker Family Genealogy Forumâ€â€Search this popular genealogy forum for the Baker surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Baker query.FamilySearch - BAKER Genealogyâ€⠀Access over 8 million free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Baker surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. BAKER Surname Family Mailing Listsâ€â€RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Baker surname. You can either join the list or browse or search the list archives to research in postings going back more than a decade.DistantCousin.com - BAKER Genealogy Family Historyâ€â€Explore databases and genealogy links for the last name Baker.The Baker Genealogy and Family Tree Pageâ€â€Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Baker surname from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings. Chicago: Polish Genealogical Society, 1993. Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow. Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich - Wydawnictwo, 1991. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
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